Industrilas Klima-flex™ 系列是当前市面上适用于暖通空调行业的最全面的系统。此系列包含所有必要零部件,可以提供适用于隔热密封机门和机柜的直接、安全的接入解决方案。您可以轻松地组合不同零部件,根据自身用途和期望的外观设计相应的锁具系统。
根据客户性能需求,Klima-flex 系列分为四类(提供附件)。
Klima-flex 3
When only the best is good enough, Klima-flex 3 sets the new standard for premium HVAC access solutions. Engineered with precision and designed for superior sealing performance, our latest patented innovation delivers quality you can feel and trust.

Klima-flex 2
When you need the most supreme sealing qualities available, the patented Klima-flex 2 is your choice. Includes both surface-mounted and through-mounted options.

Klima-flex 1
Simple and flexible solutions that are not sensitive to door thickness. This section includes a variety of different latching units, handles and inside safety options, as well as the new acid-proof, stainless steel latching system.

Klima-flex 门锁铰链
采用专利接入技术,允许您以 180°角将门向两侧全开,或将门整个拆除。

Klima-flex 铰链
要确保密封解决方案切实有效,重要的是使用专门为此制造的铰链。这些铰链通过简单的操作即可安装到 Klima-flex 1 和 Klima-flex 2 中的锁具系统上。


All Industrilas EPDM clip-on profiles are certified according to UL94HB. And if needed, we can provide profiles in materials with even higher fire resistance classifications. Can be delivered certified according to VDI 6022