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Fill out the form here to order samples.
Please send an E-mail to order@industrilas.com to place your order.
Please contact your assigned customer service representative or email csr@industrilas.com.
We always confirm the dispatched date (year, month, day). However, we cannot control the transit time.
We usually put the tracking number on the invoice. If you have received the invoice, you know that your delivery has left our warehouse.
Depending on how close the estimated delivery time is, it may be possible to postpone your order. Contact your assigned Customer Service Representative by phone or email csr@industrilas.com.
Please contact your customer service representative or email csr@industrilas.com.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to purchase products as an individual.
We manufacture all our products and solutions in Nässjö, Sweden (HQ), in Mexico and Sri Lanka.
2–3 weeks for standard products, 4-5 weeks for special/custom-made products.
According to general conditions, ORGALIME S 2012.
Please find our distributors on this map. You can also contact us via the form, or the contact details found on the contact page.
Please subscribe to our newsletter by filling out this form.
Find your selected product and scroll down to Downloads to download PDF’s.
In order to download a CAD file, you have to create an account on our website. Please do that here and get access to all our CAD files.
We supply drawing formats as Solid works, catia V5, SolidEdge (Parasolid), IronCAD (Parasolid), Alibre Design (Parasolid), NX(Parasolid), Inventor (Sat), Mechanical Desktop (Sat), Parasolid, Iges, Step, SAT, STL, DWG (2D), DXF (2D).
Please contact us via the form or the contact details found on the contact page to get technical support.
We can communicate in Swedish, English, German, Spanish, French, Chinese, Sinhala and Arabic. To communicate in your preferred language, contact your nearest office.
Please find our certificates and download them here.
Please contact us via the form, or the contact details found on the contact page with your questions.
Yes, we supply a quality approval process when we evaluate a new product.
We accept Bank transfer via SEB:
Bankgiro: 460-3437
Bank office: SE7550000000051461053994
As agreed, standard 30 days net.
001 EX Works.