Industrilas has 20,000 active products and components in inventory. This include everything from classic quarter-turns and concealed hinges to swing handles and advanced multipoint latching systems. All designed for smooth and secure operation and installation.
Finding your solution
We have developed a four-step model for creating high-quality products that enchance the value of your products. This is how we find the best solution for you:
- Define the type of application and the critical needs and requirements. For instance, will it be an offshore HVAC unit that is operated in harsh weather conditions? Does it need to withstand vibrations or fulfil hygiene and clean room regulations?
- Always consider the whole solution. How can we combine latches, handles, hinges, profiles and accessories to create the best and most valuable solution for our customer?
- How can we make life easier for end users and installers, the people who handle our products on a daily basis? How can we make the solution easy and time-saving to install, as well as highly functional and smooth to operate?
- How do we design the product to facilitate clever and sustainable manufacturing? How do we save raw materials, energy, time and improve the production process?

unsere produktkategorien

Wir bieten Verschlusssysteme in einer Vielzahl von Ausführungen an. Unser Angebot reicht von traditionellen Drehriegel- bis zu modernen Mechatronikverschlüssen.

Der Kontakt mit dem Türgriff ist wie ein Handschlag. Der Griff betätigt die Verriegelung und sollte optisch und vor allem funktional passen.

Scharniere gibt es in unzähligen Ausführungen: Neben den einfachen, klassischen Scharnieren sind auch anspruchsvollere, bündig montierte Lösungen mit Verriegelungsfunktion erhältlich.

Profile werden vor allem eingesetzt, um Schränke luftdicht zu machen, Verschleiß zu reduzieren und das Verletzungsrisiko an scharfen Kanten zu eliminieren.

Verschlüsse, die neben mechanischen auch elektrische Funktionen bieten. Diese lassen sich auch mittels PIN, Fingerabdruck, Karte oder Fernsteuerung öffnen.

Von Sichtfenstern und Verriegelungszubehör über Teleskopleitern bis hin zu intelligenten Präzisionslösungen – hier finden Sie alles, was Ihr Verriegelungssystem optimal ergänzt.
Unsere Marken

Customized family of telescopic ladders with a multitude of application areas. Perfect for cabins of long-haul trucks, cruise ships and trains.

These small, yet ingenious solution is used to connect several HVAC units or building elements. They adjust in three directions to ensure total alignment.

This HVAC family consists of all the parts necessary to deliver a straightforward and safe access solution for insulated and pressurized doors and cabinets.

Industrilas Vector™
Our family of flush-mounted, robust and stylish latches. Applications range from vehicles and toolboxes to power gensets.

A comprehensive family for multipoint latching systems. The elegant appearance and vast number of functional properties make application areas endless.

Mechatronic access solutions can be monitored, accessed remotely and connected to the cloud. Options with facial recognition and fingerprint readers.