Industrilas can now supply emission data for products
– Industrilas recognize the importance of sustainable actions throughout our company. Our vision is to be the key partner for a sustainable tomorrow, and by calculating and supplying emission data to our customers, we can assist them in reaching their sustainability goals, says Martin Samuelsson, Sustainability Strategist as Industrilas.
The scope of Industrilas emission data is based on a "Cradle-to-Gate" approach, which account for emissions from the extraction of raw materials up to the point the products leave our manufacturing facility.
Protocol and standards
Presently, the calculations and Life Cycle Assessments are available for products produced at our largest manufacturing site in Nässjö, Sweden. In the future we will expand the data to include all our manufactured products, at all our sites.
The data used for calculations is derived from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol standard or ISO 14064. Our ERP system includes an add-on that allows us to perform life cycle assessments for individual products.
– We are excited and proud of this significant step in our journey. Moving on, the data and calculations will be used in a variety of ways. They will not only benefit our customers’ sustainability efforts, they will also be a baseline for how Industrilas can streamline and improve our manufacturing from this point onwards. Data is the key to unlock the future, says Martin Samuelsson.
Questions and more information
Contact your local Industrilas office or Customer Service at Industrilas HQ: csr@industrilas.com, +46 10 130 7500.